A Fact Sheet produced by the BC Assembly staff.

In Canada, it's the law.
There’s an idea out there that PR is better for women’s representation and diversity.
It isn’t as simple as this.
PR, by itself, doesn’t increase women’s representation. It’s the multi-member districts, which an electoral system must have to be proportional, which helps improve women’s representation and diversity.
The BC Assembly met for almost a year and recommended that British Columbia adopt the BC-STV electoral system. These documents provide a description of the Assembly’s process and recommendation.
BC-STV Electoral System and Vote Counting Method
BC Citizens’ Assembly Final Report 2004 – English
BC Citizens’ Assembly Final Report 2004 – French
BC Citizens’ Assembly Final Report 2004 – Chinese
These Fact Sheets and Glossary were prepared for the British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform and BC voters.
You can access the Fact Sheets and Glossary individually, or as a single PDF titled BCCA Fact Sheets and Glossary.
Legislatures, elections, representation and parties
Electoral experimentation in BC
Understanding electoral systems
Proportional representation – List Systems
Proportional representation by single transferable vote